Landing Page can work as a jumping board for increasing conversion rate. It’s a two step process. Step 1 is producing good quality ads that influence the potential buyer to land on your landing page. Step 2 includes provision of high quality landing page design. Combination of these two steps ensures you increase in conversion rate.  Here are some useful tips to get double digit conversion rate.

Persuade your Landing Page by Making it Professional

Try to avoid overloading of your landing page with unwanted advertisements, pop-ups, animated designs and other irrelevant details. Try to design a page clear, brief and with limited distractions and push the customer to take action.

Set your design according to your audience

While keeping your landing page professional you should also sure that it should suit your audience. For example; for youth you can use funky colors and for professionals/companies use soft tone colors.

Provide easy path for navigation

Use such a design that urge the customer to move forward rather then use back button. Menu bar should be provided on your landing pages that guide the user to easily approach to other pages or make a purchase.

Sales Copy should be Precise

Sales copy for the landing pages should be short and focused. Don’t engage your potential buyers in lengthy paragraphs. This forbids them to take action for your call. One should use focused sales copy to inform them what they need.

Keep it Focused and simple

Your design has sufficient white space and limited disruptions. This will lead your readers to be focused on your product and make a conversion. Make effective use of graphics that intimate your user to make call for action.

Offer a call to action

All landing pages only succeed when all the elements work together to persuade a visitor to take action.  Your desire conversion rate is achieved by you if your potential customers make a lead. By making an order in your expected level of conversion rate is achieved obviously no matter which font, theme, graphics or combination of all these elements you are using.

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